OSHA 2264 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry

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Name: OSHA 2264 Permit-Required Confined Space Entry
Date: May 23, 2017 - May 25, 2017
Event Description:

This OSHA #2264 course covers the safety and health hazards associated with permit-required confined space entry. Course topics include recognition of confined space hazards, identification of permit and non-permit required confined spaces, use of instrumentation to evaluate atmospheric hazards, ventilation techniques, developing and implementation of a confined space program, proper signage, and training requirements. This course features workshops on permit entry classification, instrumentation and program development.

Enroll Today! 866.906.9190 | www.uta.edu

MB 136, Marion Berry Renewable Energy Center
North Campus, ASU Mid-South
Date/Time Information:
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Tuesday-Thursday, May 23-25
Contact Information:
Alexander Lamm
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